1. Restricted Boltzmann Machines Propagators for Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo; ; Fox, Jordan M. R.; Lovato, Alessandro; Roggero, Alessandro; Rrapaj, Ermal; 2024;

  2. Final-state interactions in neutrino-induced proton knockout from argon in MicroBooNE; ; Nikolakopoulos, A.; Ershova, A.; González-Jim\ńez, R.; Isaacson, J.; Kelly, A. M.; Niewczas, K.; Rocco, N.; S\'ćhez, F.; 2024;

  3. Modeling inclusive electron-nucleus scattering with Bayesian artificial neural networks; ; Sobczyk, Joanna E.; Rocco, Noemi; Lovato, Alessandro; 2024;

  4. Static and dynamic properties of atomic nuclei with high-resolution potentials; ; Gnech, Alex; Lovato, Alessandro; Rocco, Noemi; 2024;

  5. High-resolution momentum distributions from low-resolution wave functions; ; Tropiano, A. J.; Bogner, S. K.; Furnstahl, R. J.; Hisham, M. A.; Lovato, A.; Wiringa, R. B.; 2024; Phys. Lett. B

  6. One and Two-Body Current Contributions to Lepton-Nucleus Scattering; ; Lovato, Alessandro; Rocco, Noemi; Steinberg, Noah; 2023;

  7. Lepton–Nucleus Interactions within Microscopic Approaches; ; Lovato, Alessandro; Nikolakopoulos, Alexis; Rocco, Noemi; Steinberg, Noah; 2023; Universe

  8. Algorithms for numerically stable scattering amplitudes; ; Bothmann, Enrico; Campbell, John M.; Höche, Stefan; Knobbe, Max; 2024;

  9. Relativistic effects in Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of neutrino-nucleus scattering; ; Nikolakopoulos, Alexis; Lovato, Alessandro; Rocco, Noemi; 2024; Phys. Rev. C

  10. Improving ResBos for the precision needs of the LHC; ; Isaacson, Joshua; Fu, Yao; Yuan, C. -P.; 2023;

  11. A Portable Parton-Level Event Generator for the High-Luminosity LHC; ; Bothmann, Enrico; Childers, Taylor; Giele, Walter; Höche, Stefan; Isaacson, Joshua; Knobbe, Max; 2023;

  12. Lepton–Nucleus Interactions within Microscopic Approaches; ; Lovato, Alessandro; Nikolakopoulos, Alexis; Rocco, Noemi; Steinberg, Noah; 2023; Universe

  13. Insights From the Software Design of a Multiphysics Multicomponent Scientific Code; ; Dubey, Anshu; 2021; Computing in Science & Engineering

  14. Leveraging Compiler-Based Translation to Evaluate a Diversity of Exascale Platforms; ; Lambert, Jacob; Monil, Mohammad Alaul Haque; Lee, Seyong; Malony, Allen D.; Vetter, Jeffrey S.; 2022;

  15. CHARM-SYCL: New Unified Programming Environment for Multiple Accelerator Types; ; Fujita, Norihisa; Johnston, Beau; Kobayashi, Ryohei; Teranishi, Keita; Lee, Seyong; Boku, Taisuke; Vetter, Jeffrey S.; 2023;

  16. Application of performance portability solutions for GPUs and many-core CPUs to track reconstruction kernels; ; Kwok, K. H. M.; Kortelainen, Matti J.; Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto; Strelchenko, Alexei; Gutsche, Oliver; Hall, Allison Reinsvold; Lantz, Steve; Reid, Michael; Riley, Daniel; Berkman, Sophie; Lee, Seyong; Ather, Hammad; Norris, Boyana; Wang, Cong; 2024;

  17. Enhancing Kokkos with OpenACC; ; Valero-Lara, Pedro; Lee, Seyong; Gonzalez-Tallada, Marc; Denny, Joel; Teranishi, Keita; Vetter, Jeffrey S.; 2024; The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications

  18. Exploring code portability solutions for HEP with a particle tracking test code; ; Ather, Hammad; Berkman, Sophie; Cerati, Giuseppe; Kortelainen, Matti; Kwok, Ka Hei Martin; Lantz, Steven; Lee, Seyong; Norris, Boyana; Reid, Michael; Hall, Allison Reinsvold; Riley, Daniel; Strelchenko, Alexei; Wang, Cong; 2024; Journal of Frontiers in Big Data